Free CPD developed by the HSU and its staff as part of knowledge exchange activities.

Free courses

4 M's - Mistakes, Misinterpretation, Misrepresentation, Misinformation in clinical trials

  • Course

A series of lectures delivered in English, French and German on the 4 M's to making sense of evidence. Avoiding the propagation of mistakes, misinterpretation, misrepresentation and misinformation

4 M's - Mistakes, Misinterpretation, Misrepresentation, Misinformation in reviews

  • Course

A series of lectures delivered in English and French (available soon) on the 4 M's to making sense of evidence. Avoiding the propagation of mistakes, misinterpretation, misrepresentation and misinformation

4 M's -Mistakes, Misinterpretation, Misrepresentation, Misinformation of qualitative research

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A series of lectures delivered on the 4 M's to making sense of qualitative research. Avoiding the propagation of mistakes, misinterpretation, misrepresentation and misinformation

4 M's - Mistakes, Misinterpretation, Misrepresentation, Misinformation in case reports

  • Course

A series of lectures delivered in English and French on the 4 M's to making sense of evidence. Avoiding the propagation of mistakes, misinterpretation, misrepresentation and misinformation.

Placebo effects in osteopathy

  • Course

A lecture delivered in English and German on the placebo effects in osteopathy.